Our Songs


December's song is We Wish You A Merry Christmas.  Why not join in and learn the signs for this song and how the song sounds in other languages.

You can find out more HERE.


November's song was all about colours to represent that we are all different.

The song is from a popular Tik Tok song by Stella Jang called What's Your Colour.  Not an easy one to sign due to being very fast!

Enjoy the video and have a look at the individual colour videos schools created.

The Hello Song is the first song that a class should complete when they start the project as it introduces the project to them, provides some simple Makaton signs and allows them to listen to other countries to develop their awareness of linguistic identities.  This could be extended to learning how to say Hello in different languages.  Click HERE to find out more.

Previous Songs

VOTW has lots of collaborative songs that schools around the world have taken part in the past few years.  Below are some favourite songs, however, to see all the previous songs, click HERE.

2023: Yellow

2022: Imagine

2021: Unbreakable

2019: Million Dreams

2020: This is Me